The Necessity of Art

Art has been around since the beginning of time and gives us indicators of the significant thoughts and expressions from each time period. We can look back at various forms of art and gather information about the perception of that particular time and specifically of that particular artist.

Why is it so important to support local artists and events? In an article published on, the importance of art education is addressed as a crucial element to human development:

“In addition to studying the arts for their own sake, experiencing and making works of art benefits students in their intellectual, personal, and social development, and can be particularly beneficial for students from economically disadvantaged circumstances and those who are at risk of not succeeding in school. Research studies point to strong relationships between learning in the arts and fundamental cognitive skills and capacities used to master other core subjects, including reading, writing, and mathematics.” (

“The artist gazes upon a reality and creates his own impression.  The viewer gazes upon the impression and creates his own reality.”  ~Robert Brault


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