Letters to my girls

Dear my daughters,

You will find yourselves in various situations where someone will you tell you “it is this way”, yet somehow you feel in your gut that it is not. Keep in mind that we are all only human. None of us really know, for certain, anything. It is all a matter of perception. There was a time when mainstream society believed, for certain, that black people should be slaves, that they were all inferior to white people, simply because they were born with a darker color of skin. There was a time when mainstream society believed, for certain, that women should be held at a lesser status than men. That women were simply not capable of things men were able to do, like work in a factory or play sports. There is still a time when many people believe, for certain, that homosexuals should not be allowed equal privileges, like the choice to marry whomever they love, simply because they love people of the same gender as themselves.

Some say that ignorance is bliss. And in some cases, this may be true. But ignorance can also cause pain and problems. It is so crucial to keep an open mind, and remember that you may not always understand or believe what someone else believes. But you do not have a greater authority or level of power to dictate what is true and right for everyone. And neither do they. You may only decide what is true for yourself. Be open to others’ experiences and be respectful of differences. Differences are what make us so special and unique. It doesn’t make any sense to force everyone into a specific mold in which all people believes, acts, looks, and does the same thing.

Embrace your independent thought. Accept others’ for who they are. Strive to connect through love, patience and openness. You will be happy, and you will make others happy.

I love you, so very much.


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