Day 82: 2012 - Time to change

I find myself conflicted. I look around and see so many others who have become these irreconcilable extremists. My initial reaction is to try to calm them down, bring them closer together, remind them of our similarities and in most cases our efforts are toward the same goal. 

I feel like the population of open-minded, grounded and rational people is quickly decreasing in size. I start to feel a little overwhelmed. 

Then I remember that it's 2012. The world is "coming to an end". Now, I've had many extensive conversations with family and friends about my interpretation of this. Thankfully, I've found that most of the people I talk to tend to agree to a certain extent. 

I don't think an asteroid is headed towards Earth and on whatever date you've heard in 2012 we're all going to be in an Armageddon scenario.

Instead, I think the world as we know it, will begin to transition drastically starting this year. And honestly, look around you. Is that so far-fetched? 

It seems to be a reasonable notion that often times in the middle of change, things get much worse before they get better. If you think about our history with revolutions and massive uprisings and everyone coming together with this idea that we all need to change, in most of those cases it didn't stick. Take the "hippie" movement - promoting love, peace, unity. Yet after a time, it seemed to fade away and everyone sort of fell back into what we've considered to be "normal" since the dawn of civilization. 

I've read books and seen documentaries about where the human race is heading on a global level. It's no secret that we have a multitude of crises - political, financial, economic, environmental, social.... the list goes on and on. 

It's hard enough to rally my daughter to jump on the bandwagon and be proactive and energetic and change her bad habits into good ones. I can't imagine how we'd go about convincing the entire world to come together and change generations of norms no matter how strong the evidence is that we must do so in order to continue surviving. 

I am the kind of person who thrives on the feeling of being helpful and making a difference. If I don't have control over a situation or I don't see a way to truly impact something outside of me, I get a little antsy. Which is one of the reasons I am so focused on the mantra that I can't control anything outside of me. 

So finding myself in this situation, where I believe that on a global level it is imperative that we make some dramatic changes to our lifestyles, and that everyone seems to be going crazy and I am surrounded by chaos and negative energy, I realize I am in a bit of a predicament. 

My one ray of hope is my belief that what is happening is a natural process of the Universe and as long as I keep doing what I believe is right, then everything will take care of itself. It's almost as if things have to get so out of control that everyone finally can wake up and relinquish their attempts to control everyone else. Maybe we have to get so out of whack that we end up exhausted and finally ready to listen and more importantly to THINK! We're holding so tight to our beliefs that we are completely unwilling to consider there are any other alternatives than what we (purely by circumstance) have been exposed to in our lives. 

Think about this... 
If you were born in another country, to another family, different religion, different skin color, maybe even different sexual orientation.... do you honestly think you'd grow up having the exact same beliefs you do today? On the contrary - you'd have a completely different set of beliefs, probably with the same level of conviction!

So how could it possibly make sense that there is ever ONE TRUTH that everyone else should be forced to believe and abide by?

I sure hope that 2013 begins to reveal some of these things to me and others. I know I'm not omniscient - I don't know everything. But I know that I don't know everything and I know that what I do know, may not be right. If we could all take a step back and agree on that, I think we'd be surprised at how much progress we can make.

"As for me, all I know is that I know nothing."

A few resources to check out (feel free to add to this list in the comments):
Movies - Thrive, Ethos, 2012: A Time For Change, What the Bleep Do We Know
Books - Ishmael, Story of B, 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl


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