Day 68: Horrible Day

Just as I was about to write a few words about how much today royally sucked, my mom called. Today was a crappy day - more so than normal. Generally I don't consider most days to be bad, but today was definitely unique in that. To top it off I found out my mom has been in the ER and was diagnosed with some kind of a disorder that is preliminary to Parkinson's Disease. Wonderful. Even better...she went to her friends first before coming to me, her family. I always felt like I took a backseat to her trendy AA friends and the GLBT community. But I thought that if she ever ended up back in the ER she'd call me. 

I haven't felt this alone in a long time. It seemed like I was starting to do okay. But maybe I was just getting good at disguising it. 

Honestly, at this point I'm just so ready to go to bed and end this day that I'm not sure I have the energy to analyze or reflect anything more. 

Will try to pick up the pieces tomorrow and think of something brilliant to write about.


  1. take the good with the bad, the ups with the know this...and you know it will turn around. If you need a virtual coffee date via skype, I'm here for you Jennie. Keep on keeping are the best. xo


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