Day 72: Advice
It's funny how it's always easier to give others advice than to follow your own. One of the most remarkable things I've tried is an idea I got from the book Eat, Pray, Love. The idea is simple, but it seems a little silly at first. Write a letter to your higher self in a notebook. Then, answer the letter. It may seem strange but it actually is astonishing. When I tried this, I asked myself questions about my life and my purpose. Was I on the right track? I found to my amazement that almost as soon as I had written my questions, I knew the answers. I wrote back to myself, yet it felt as though I was writing from a higher point. A wiser self.
Anyway, tonight I wanted to share some advice I gave someone dear to me. I know it's always easier said than done, but after going through so many extreme ups and downs already in my life, this advice is something I couldn't be more confident about.
I've grown to believe that almost any sickness or ailment can be due to repressed anger or sadness - or really any negative feelings that we don't let go of. Holding on to negative emotion can really cause some serious physical damage - i.e. fibromyalgia... cancer... sickness....
The thing I've learned that I think is the most important to remember is that it helps to always be in pursuit of balance. Life is always changing so we need to change with it. Sometimes it's better for us to be a recluse. Other times it's best to get up and go outside and be active. But the only person who knows what's best for us, is us. We have to trust ourselves and our higher self. Sometimes all it takes is trying to nudge ourselves in one direction and see how it feels. If it feels right (even if it's difficult) then we should continue. It takes practice and patience so I've learned to be gentle and forgiving with myself. Some days I feel good and others I feel bad. But I try to let go. In fact, that's my mantra. "Let go" or "Surrender". I have a bumper sticker that says Let Go on the back of my car. It's amazing how much that helps.
Of course it's always easier to give advice to others : ). So the last thing I'll say is that we're all stronger than we think or know. If we can just take one day at a time and push ourselves as much as we can (even if to others it looks like we're just laying in bed all day), then things will always get better.
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