Day 32: Bundle Up - It's Colorado Blizzard Time!
Today I was reminded how powerful the media is - when I went to the grocery store to pick up my medicine. First of all, the last I heard about this snow storm that's coming in was somewhere between 5-8 inches. Okay, so traffic will be extra-annoying, but I grew up here so driving in snow doesn't bother me. It's the people around me who don't have a clue that worries me.
Anyway...I'm at the store. I must mention that I'm on a medication for fibromyalgia and when I miss even one dosage, I feel incredibly sick. Nauses, dizzy, shaky, almost like I have the flu. Not fun. So I didn't have my medicine yesterday and woke up this morning feeling awful. And it only got worse through the day. I finally worked things out with my doctor and got a coupon to be able to afford 30 more days on this. But it meant I had to get in my car and drive to the store to pick it up. Usually not a problem, but I'm feeling like crap so every second I'm out of bed I want to die.
I get to the store and I know I look ill. I quickly walk straight to the pharmacy and they say it will be a few minutes. So I pick up a few groceries that I need. Go to check out and for the first time since I had arrived, I actually paid attention to my surroundings. It was complete chaos. There was a line stretching from one end of the store to the other with people who had full carts of groceries. I could barely walk through it all. Suddenly I picked up on this sense of panic. I literally felt my heart start beating faster. I tried thinking if there was anything I would need tomorrow or the next day, in case the storm was worse than I thought and we were snowed in. Of course I was so ill that my mind really couldn't focus or clearly identify anything that I would need...other than soup and movies. So...soup and movies it was.
I went back to pick up my medicine and politely begged the pharmacist to check me out there since the lines were so long and I could barely stand up. I then escaped that store like a bat outta hell. I overheard people saying that we were now expecting a foot or more. Possibly 18 in.
I got home and checked the weather report online and sure enough, it looked like a decent size storm was moving in.
Then tonight when I cozied up to watch what were probably the best episodes of Parks & Recreation and The Office, I noticed that throughout the programs the news station would put "Alerts" in red. The first alert read: "
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