Day 32: Bundle Up - It's Colorado Blizzard Time!

Today I was reminded how powerful the media is - when I went to the grocery store to pick up my medicine. First of all, the last I heard about this snow storm that's coming in was somewhere between 5-8 inches. Okay, so traffic will be extra-annoying, but I grew up here so driving in snow doesn't bother me. It's the people around me who don't have a clue that worries me.

Anyway...I'm at the store. I must mention that I'm on a medication for fibromyalgia and when I miss even one dosage, I feel incredibly sick. Nauses, dizzy, shaky, almost like I have the flu. Not fun. So I didn't have my medicine yesterday and woke up this morning feeling awful. And it only got worse through the day. I finally worked things out with my doctor and got a coupon to be able to afford 30 more days on this. But it meant I had to get in my car and drive to the store to pick it up. Usually not a problem, but I'm feeling like crap so every second I'm out of bed I want to die. 

I get to the store and I know I look ill. I quickly walk straight to the pharmacy and they say it will be a few minutes. So I pick up a few groceries that I need. Go to check out and for the first time since I had arrived, I actually paid attention to my surroundings. It was complete chaos. There was a line stretching from one end of the store to the other with people who had full carts of groceries. I could barely walk through it all. Suddenly I picked up on this sense of panic. I literally felt my heart start beating faster. I tried thinking if there was anything I would need tomorrow or the next day, in case the storm was worse than I thought and we were snowed in. Of course I was so ill that my mind really couldn't focus or clearly identify anything that I would need...other than soup and movies. So...soup and movies it was.

I went back to pick up my medicine and politely begged the pharmacist to check me out there since the lines were so long and I could barely stand up. I then escaped that store like a bat outta hell. I overheard people saying that we were now expecting a foot or more. Possibly 18 in. 

I got home and checked the weather report online and sure enough, it looked like a decent size storm was moving in. 

Then tonight when I cozied up to watch what were probably the best episodes of Parks & Recreation and The Office, I noticed that throughout the programs the news station would put "Alerts" in red. The first alert read: "Storm alert: light snow falling in Denver." I laughed. Is that really necessary. It's like they forgot which state they were reporting in - we've seen snow before guys, this is not California. The next alert was something like "Snow fall is increasing." Now it's starting to just get ridiculous. 

Look - I'm not saying this snow storm is a joke and people shouldn't be prepared. But this is just another example of people completely overdramatizing a situation and causing unnecessary panic. And this panic spreads - fast. So that something which could be regarded as a reminder to actually THINK AHEAD (which is hard for us busy Americans), turns into a crisis mode. Oh my Lord, snow is falling in Denver!! Take shelter! Grab food from your food storage! Get out your guns in case your neighbors come and try to eat you! Every man for himself! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH We're all gonna DIE!!!!

Okay. It's snowing. And honestly, is it really going to kill us if we're forced to be at home all day with our family? 

Where's Cambria. I need to find the missing pieces to Clue.


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