Day 44: Spent the Day Waiting

Today was a true test of patience and perseverance. We're trying to fly out to Florida on standby passes. We got up early this morning and went to the airport. Of course I got sick between driving with my Dad, shuttling from the parking lot, riding the airport train and finally getting to the gate. The rest of the day was spent with high hopes and strong wills to keep going. We didn't get on the first flight. We then had to wait from 10am to 5:30pm to try the next flight. Failed. Then we went to another flight. So close, but failed. It was hard because although I was really disappointed, I knew Cambria had the potential of being 100x more upset, so I had to keep my cool. 

Anyway, while I felt very optimistic through the day, we didn't make any flights out of DIA. So we're back at my house. But we're tough cookies. We're planning to get up at 6am and head back to the airport to give it another go. We'll see what comes of it. If anything, it'll be another adventure. : )


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