Day 10: Slowing Down

The Value of Slowing Down

"We can afford to drop our defensiveness and listen to our colleagues; we can afford to be imaginative and open. If we slow down and drop our resistance to work’s unpleasantness, we discover that we are resourceful enough to be daring, free from fear and arrogance. Such confidence enables us to know instinctively which situations need to be confronted, which should be nourished, and which can be disregarded. Mahakala reminds us to sharpen up during times of conflict, to be mindful and pay attention. With such alertness we can in fact preserve the sanity of our workplace even during extreme discord."

- Michael Carroll, "Mahakala at Work"
Read the entire article in the Tricycle Wisdom Collection

I was looking for inspiration for today's post and when I read this, I realized I was okay with not writing a lot today. I don't want to write just to write. I want to really be thoughtful. So if I realize I can't be thoughtful in this post, I'm not going to force it. I'm slowing down. And tonight that means cuddling with my kitty boy and going to sleep early (unlike my daughter who I can hear fumbling around in her room again instead of going to sleep - I'll check on her first and then go to sleep).

Anyway, I got the above quote from one of my Daily Dharma's - a daily email which is delightful. Check it out at

Namaste and good night.  


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