Day 28: Am I Allowed to be a Debbie Downer? Because I am.
I've wondered for awhile where the phrase "Debbie Downer" originated from so I decided to look it up for this post. I am ashamed to ever cite Wikipedia, because I still don't consider it a reputable source, but I was too lazy (and pessimistic) to keep searching. I have a hard time believing this is true, because I feel like I've heard this for way before 2005 - but apparently Wikipedia says that it came from an SNL skit:
Luckily, reading this did cheer me up a little so I guess it was somewhat worth the 10 seconds it took for me to look it up.
Yes, today I will be known as Debbie Downer. And I don't care what anyone thinks about it! I am just in a bad mood! I've been working all day on building a website for someone and while I have no problems designing the site, actually building it in html code is a whole other beast. And I've never been a fan of html code. Sure, it's a stupendous feeling when you FINALLY figure something out, but in my opinion, even that is overrated.
So that has definitely contributed to my sourpuss mood. And if you've ever sat in one place for hours at a time doing grueling computer work on a laptop with no mouse and no reading glasses, you know I how feel. My body aches, my head aches, my eyes ache, my mood sucks. I'm tired, I'm hungry and I still haven't finished this stupid website!!
I found out long ago about the Law of Attraction. So it's no surprise that in this mood I'm like a magnet for all other potential negative energy forces around me to stick to me like rubber cement. It seems that every little thing reminds me of the fact that I'm single again, that I'm starting over unexpectedly, that I've suddenly inherited all the housework that as a couple, we never finished, that I have no idea if my current salary is going to cover all my bills, that I may not be patient enough to go through the "start-up" of a new relationship, but that I also am so mad at Mauricio for doing this that I don't want to be with him anyway.
I feel a huge lump rising in my throat. I'm so angry and so emotional and I just hate the world right now! Haha. Okay, no I don't hate the world. But I am not feeling anywhere near the top of it. And to add to this dramatic story of my day, I've been playing Pandora and all these amazing, but melodramatic songs keep coming on. For example, "Cherry Tree" by The National is playing right now. Perfect example. What the hell man? Really??
Oh man! I'm sorry this is how your day is going. If it makes you feel better, for far different reasons, I am in your boat. UGH! I want to run away (oh wait, I can't) I want to escape somewhere far away where no one will find me (oh wait, I sort of already did do that...) Anyway, I'm frustrated and I know I just have to get through it and hope tomorrow is a better day! I hope this day goes easy on you. {HUG}
ReplyDeleteOh Debra! Lol. You did already run another country!! Haha. Please feel free to call me anytime. Next time you're in Colorado we should definitely get together and share our woes over a nice cup of coffee. : ) Miss you! XOXO