Day 2: The Dustpan Can't Pick up Everything
Made some progress on my room today. That felt good. I had to laugh at myself though because I realized I was getting mildly frustrated over that little bit of dust that you can never sweep up into the dustpan. So aggravating! I knew then that I had to write about it. How could such a little thing get to me? Granted, I felt like it didn't upset me as much as it could have. But still, what a silly thing to even spend an extra moment thinking about.
I guess it's easy to get used to being lazy these days. We're obsessed with inventing ways of making things "easier" and "more convenient" for ourselves. Nowadays we have phones that we barely even use to talk on! The world is at our fingertips. So when that world gets hard, it's no wonder we look at finding the easy way out. I'll just sweep that little excess dirt into the corner or under the rug. No one will ever know it's there. Well, almost no one.
How many times do I sweep the extra little dirt under the rug? And how dirty is it under there by now?? It's time to get serious. I need to patiently, lovingly and acceptingly get to all those corners of my mind and my heart. I need to give my soul a good scrub down. Clean out the dust that's built up over time. And while I'm at it, I think I'm going to install a better air filter. There's a lot of dust this season and I don't want it to collect.
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