Day 24: Welcome to the World, Sweet New Life

My friend is having a baby today. Last time I checked in, it sounded like the baby would be coming any minute. So I decided that for today's blog post, I would write this little guy a special "Welcome" letter.

Dear Sweet New Life,

Congratulations for being conceived! What an honor it is to know the Universe has conspired to bring your mother and father together to make your life possible. Welcome to the world, little one. You've got a remarkable journey ahead of you. There a few things you must always remember: 

1) You will be faced with a variety of important choices to make - choose wisely, but know that in life no choice will lead you to a dead end. 

2) Everything is temporary, including your emotions. Know that you have the ability to decide what you feel, how you act and what you think. 

3) The only thing you have control over is yourself - do not waste energy on trying to change what you cannot and don't keep those outside events inside you like toxins. Be a screen door - let everything pass through you so you experience it, own up to it, and learn from it - but you don't hold on to it. 

4) Patience is a virtue, and a test. All good things come to those who wait, but don't let life pass you by. Seize hold of opportunities that are right for you. But find a balance between waiting and acting so you don't miss out on the very best that life has to offer. 

5) Feel with your heart, think with your mind and act with your soul. Life is a crazy thing, with lots of ups and downs and twists and turns. It can be hard to navigate sometimes. But if you listen closely to your heart, mind and soul, you will inherit an indefinite amount of wisdom. Even when you make mistakes, you'll remain open enough to learn from them and as you learn, you grow.

Little one, know that you are loved. You are never alone. Even as one of the newest members of this world, you already are strong, brave and influential. You've chosen to take this journey through life and you've done so for a reason. Find out what it is. Find out who you are. And make the world a better place.

Again, congratulations, welcome and good luck!

Con mucho amor,


  1. you are such a beautiful writer, Jennie. I am enjoying (which is unfortunate, in a sense) the way you are working through your pain. You have a gift and it has grown since I've known you. Wow. Love you!

  2. Thank you so much Debra, that truly made my day. Sharing this experience through my blog has really helped I think. It's made me feel more "universal" because I know so many people have also gone through tough times like these. I miss you!


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